Another great night of free music awaits on August 17th in Broderick Park at 5pm. Bring a cushion to sit on in the Park’s amphitheater or a chair as there is another awesome night of music on tap. That’s along with great food from our terrific vendors, great gift and information from other partners. It…
Healing By The Water for Thursday, August 10
The rain that came during the day on Thursday night, August 10, didn’t dampen spirits as we enjoyed another great night of music and togetherness in Broderick Park. The sun couldn’t resist the vibe and came out. As always there was free, live music from Son Borikua from 5pm to 8pm along with great food…
The East Side Bike Club Annual Cookout
Join us along with East Side Bike Club and Buffalo United Front for a great time in Broderick Park on Saturday, September 9th from 2PM until we run out of fun. Bring a dish to pass and a smile to share #BuffaloUnitedFront #EastSideBikeClub #FriendsofBroderickPark